Partnership Pays: How DLF Utilizes Partners to Increase Our Impact
“You cannot turn a community around thinking in singularities. You have to think in pluralities.” – Michael Sorrell, Paul Quinn College
Our community partner Michael Sorrell is widely known for his innovative farm on the former football field at Paul Quinn College. What is perhaps not as widely known, is that when he received funding for that project, he also ensured support for the surrounding neighborhood, which sits in a food desert, by giving away 10% of everything they grow.
The Partnership Problem
Nonprofit organizations today are constantly wondering how to increase their impact, serve more people, and raise more money. The reality is that not enough nonprofits are seeking ways to solve their challenges together. When organizations work alone, the people we seek to serve suffer. The competition for funding increases, program initiatives are cut, and broader social change is limited.
Why Partner?
Finding a corporate partner to champion your cause, or a community partner to be in the trenches alongside you can save costs on infrastructure and administrative expenses, improve efficiency, share skills and expertise, and strengthen your brand and programs.
How DLF’s Partnerships Have Increased Our Impact
Dallas Leadership Foundation began partnering with organizations that aligned with our mission and values in 2012. In the years following, we’ve seen that as our partnerships grow, the number of people we serve annually has more than tripled. DLF’s partnerships are critical to our work. DLF also utilizes space for our summer programming at Christ Community, provides food for families during the holidays through B.C. Williams, and works with Home Depot who provides materials and volunteers for our neighborhood beautification projects. Due to all of our partners, we can do more, better! To date, DLF has touched over 100,000 people in its 23 years.
DLF's Parnterships vs. People Served
The true work of community transformation cannot occur in a silo. Help us do even more this year! If you’re interested in partnering with DLF please contact Krystal Hargrove at
Published on January 23, 2019 @ 9:46 AM CDT
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