COVID-19 Update
July 13, 2020 2:00 PM

COVID-19 Update

July 13, 2020 2:00 PM
July 13, 2020 2:00 PM


Communities around the country continue to deal with the devastating impact of COVID-19. At Dallas Leadership Foundation, we have worked hard to reevaluate how we work, keep our staff safe, and continue to honor our mission to develop leaders and transform communities.

As with all of our new efforts, we began by engaging our local neighborhood leaders. By asking how we can assist the current and upcoming challenges that will occur due to the pandemic, we have been able to identify three ways to support over the next year.


DLF has worked with several community partners to deliver emergency services to our communities. This includes groceries, meals, financial assistance, and connecting community members to other services and employment.


We will continue to equip DLF staff and our communities to engage with online platforms, establishing phone trees, implementing group texts, Zoom workshops, and support groups.


We know that families in our neighborhoods will experience long-term challenges. DLF will help families rebuild their lives through continued listening and finding innovative ways to use our resources.

We see this crisis as an opportunity to serve the people of Dallas better. It has given us a chance to be more compassionate, helpful, and supportive. During this time of responding to the leaders in our community and their residents, DLF needs our support partners more than ever. Please prayerfully consider sending a gift. The needs of our community are significant, and we want to respond quickly and compassionately. 



Wil McCall

President & CEO


Make A Gift


Connect with DLF

Dallas Leadership Foundation
1521 N. Peak St., Dallas, TX 75204
P.O. Box 227455, Dallas, tx 75222
PHONE 214-777-5520
FAX 214-777-5525