Due to the rise in COVID cases and new variants affecting individuals in the Dallas Metroplex and beyond, the Dallas Leadership Foundation and our Partners have made the decision to postpone the remaining 2021 Transform Dallas days of service to 2022. This decision was made in the best interest and safety of our volunteers and vulnerable populations. DLF will closely monitor the situation and new dates will be posted below accordingly. We thank all of those that volunteered their time with us during this Summer of Transformation. The impact made in the communities we serve was deeply felt with great gratitude and love.
Transform Dallas 2021
Summer of Transformation
Transform Dallas, typically a one-day event, will now be an entire Summer of Transformation! In 2021, there will be opportunities on multiple dates to volunteer. This format allows us to follow necessary precautions but still make an amazing difference in our community. Projects will take place on the third Saturday of each month from June-September. Hundreds of volunteers are being recruited to serve in various community projects such as community block parties, house paintings, landscaping, neighborhood clean-up, crime and safety items, and much more!
Volunteer Details
- June 19, 2021
- Hygiene Packs - Highland Park Presbyterian Church
Help with projects to reduce recidivism in Dallas. Registration starts at 8:30am and projects start at 9am. Shirt Provided. - Food Insecurity - Dorothy Moore Youth Center
Help with projects at food distribution site to reduce food insecurity. Registration starts at 8:30am and projects start at 9am. Shirt Provided.
- Hygiene Packs - Highland Park Presbyterian Church
- July 17, 2021
- Wynnewood Neighborhood Beautification - Wynnewood
Survey of Neighborhood, Block Cleanup and Trash Collection (w/ Code Enforcement), delivery of safety packages. Registration starts at 8:30am and projects start at 9am. Shirt Provided. - Letter Writing to Elderly - Highland Park Presbyterian Church
Letter writing to elderly/homebound neighborhood residents. Registration starts at 8:30am and projects start at 9am.
- Wynnewood Neighborhood Beautification - Wynnewood
- POSTPONED for 2022 - Date TBD
- Homeless Outreach - Hamilton Park UMC
Cleanup of Homeless area in neighborhood (Mental Health/Homelessness Focus). Registration starts at 8:30am and projects start at 9am. Shirt Provided. - Hamilton Park Neighborhood Beautification - Hamilton Park UMC
Housing/Maintenance Projects (Neighborhoods Focus). Registration starts at 8:30am and projects start at 9am. Shirt Provided. - Workforce Distribution Center - 1703 Alpine Dallas, TX 75223
Various maintenance and beautification services.
- Homeless Outreach - Hamilton Park UMC
- POSTPONED for 2022 - Date TBD
- Educational Support - Paul L. Dunbar Learning Center 4200 Metropolitan Ave, Dallas, TX 75210
Support the School/Education Project (Education/Youth Focus). Registration starts at 8:30am and projects start at 9am. Shirt Provided. - Prayer Walk of South Dallas - Mill City Neighborhood
Prayer Walk of South Dallas Neighborhoods (Neighborhoods Focus). Shirt Provided. - Mill City Neighborhood Beautification/ Housing/Maintenance Projects: 4229 Metropolitan Ave, Dallas, TX 75210
- Educational Support - Paul L. Dunbar Learning Center 4200 Metropolitan Ave, Dallas, TX 75210
Thank you for volunteering and we look forward to serving with you!
Local churches in partnership with Dallas Leadership Foundation are mobilizing their congregations to go outside of the church walls and serve their communities alongside neighbors from different denominational, racial, class, and political backgrounds.
Volunteers will be recruited to pitch in with activities such as painting, landscaping yards, preparing and delivering care packages, and cleaning alleyways. This collective effort will include volunteers from different backgrounds working together on multiple projects.
View More Information & Event Sponsors
Transform Dallas
Transform Dallas will be on June 24, 2023.
Registration will be open from May 4th - June 23rd.
We have made several files available to you for download in order to share with your organization:
About the Program
Transform Dallas began in 1998 under the name City of Hope. This workday allows volunteers from within DLF neighborhoods to partner with organizations like Hamilton Park UMC, Prestoncrest Church of Christ, Texas Instruments, Highland Park Presbyterian Church, and Home Depot to bring much-needed improvements to their community. Areas of work include landscaping yards, painting homes, cleaning alleyways, and assembling and delivering care packages. Ultimately, this program improves the quality of life for elderly and low-income neighbors across the City of Dallas. This one-day event will include volunteers from different backgrounds working together on multiple projects throughout Dallas.
During the Transform Dallas workday, local leaders of the neighborhoods and community-based nonprofits will receive needed support and resources to complete projects to improve the communities where they work. The Transform Dallas Core Planning Team is a consortium of diverse leaders who decide and prepare for the work projects prior to the event.
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